0 إجابة
82 مشاهدة

Can I get transfer from my employer to another employer without his approval

سئل منذ 2 أشهر
82 مشاهدة


I worked with an employer since more than 1 Year. But right now cause of financial issues and good salary package offer to another company.can I get transfer to another company without his permission.
Or I will put my resignation and give 2 month notification.?
I don't want to go final exit from first employer because I took a vehicle on installment basis.and I want to continue my work here with same iqama that I have right now


تريد أن تحصل على إجابة الخبراء على هذا السؤال وفي أقل من 24 ساعة؟ اطرح سؤالك العاجل الآن!

أريد جوابًا عاجلًا