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Buy Phenylacetone, |BMK, |PMK,|APAAN, | P2P,|P2NP,|Safrole Oil,|Hydroxylamine HCl,| A-Oil Amphetamine Oil

Asked 2 months ago by stevemeds77
196 Visits

Buy Phenylacetone, |BMK, |PMK,|APAAN, | P2P,|P2NP,|Safrole Oil,|Hydroxylamine HCl,| A-Oil Amphetamine Oil

Amphetamine Oil is a synthetic substance related to natural sympathomimetic amines. A-Oil

Molecular Formula: C9H13N

Molecular Weight: 135.21 g/mol

Boiling Point: 203 °C (397 °F) at 760 mmHg

Melting point: 11.3 °C (52.3 °F)

We also have order related products like:

BMK Oil and Powder CAS 16648-44-6

PMK Oil and Powder CAS 13605-48-6

APAAN Powder

Hydroxilimine Hcl Powder

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