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Asked a day ago by nisarfarah7

I need to reopen my divorce case
The first divorce
There wasn’t much information given on it
My husband just said that he gave the first divorce to the court

What actually happened was, we had a fight and then he said if we keep fighting, we can’t live like this. We went back home, we slept and were all normal.
I asked him if he intended, he said no I didn’t.
Does it count as first divorce?

The second time , after a year, he used the word talaq and divorced me
And the third time, again after a year, he used the word talaq and we though we ended our relationship, we thought were divorced thrice.

Our question is does the first count and can we reopen the case and make the first divorce void because it doesn’t count, so we still have one divorce left? Because the second and third were real and were said but the first wasn’t.
Based on the false information given earlier?
Can the law re number our divorce?


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