0 إجابة
354 مشاهدة

What will i do for my case filed by my previous employer whi used a falsified documents againts me.

سئل منذ 2 أعوام بواسطة Ameereltimor
354 مشاهدة

I received a message from ministry of justice that my previous employer from 2015-2020 filed a case that i bought a car with credit money from my him that i did not pay.
He used the form i signed during lockdown in arabic words. A document for our food allowance as per accountant said with sr300 indicated before. I signed it with name and signature only with the amount of sr300. And the amountvwas deducted the following month salary.
Now he used the signed form to file a case for me. And now the amount was 23000sr.
Other writings in the form was written by the accountant.
How can i buy a car if i dont have a drivers licence and my absher has no record of any car under my name.
Now i receive from MOI that i am in the list of travel ban.
Please help me. I don't have any money to pay any attorney.

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