Additional Fraud Incident Report
It is important to bring to your attention another instance of fraud involving a Saudi national who posed as a lawyer and claimed to have strong relationships within the judiciary. This individual exploited an expatriate already defrauded by a Pakistani investor in a car business scam.
Details of the Fraud:
1. Initial Scam:
• The Pakistani investor promised legal ownership of cars and later created a Nafith bond with a misleading date of 2025, defrauding the expatriate.
2. Saudi National’s Involvement:
• The Saudi national assured the expatriate that he would file a legal case and recover the lost money within two weeks.
• He demanded SAR 6,500 for his services but fled with the money without taking any action.
3. Available Evidence:
• Official WhatsApp messages documenting the fraud.
• The Saudi national’s ID and registered phone number, which can be shared for investigation purposes.
This fraudulent behavior has caused significant financial and emotional distress to the expatriate, compounding the original harm caused by the Pakistani investor. The case highlights the need for stringent action against individuals exploiting their positions or claiming false credentials to deceive others.
Request for Action:
Immediate investigation and legal action against the Saudi national are requested to prevent further exploitation and to recover the defrauded amount.
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