1 إجابة واحدة
292 مشاهدة

Faire valoir nos droits au Maroc Source: https://mahkamaty.com/fr-ma/consultations/113777

سئل منذ 8 أشهر بواسطة Espoir02
292 مشاهدة

Bonjour, merci pour votre retour efficace.
Alors pour vous répondre, j'ai retrouvé mon père mourant en 2018 qui avait perdu l'usage de la parole et nous n'avions malheureusement pas pu échanger comme nous l'aurions désiré. Toutefois, son frère donc mon oncle m'a informé que mon père avait de multiples biens au Maroc. Mon père était marié au Maroc, sa femme était informé de sa maladie les relations entre mon père et sa femme était difficile et conflictuelle, elle était au courant de notre existence. Auriez-vous l'amabilité de me communiquer une liste d'avocat qui parle français et qui pourrait nous aider dans ce cas précis, et qui peuvent travailler sur la base de frais contingents

Source: https://mahkamaty.com/fr-ma/consultations/113777il s'agit d'une affaire difficile pour nous psychologiquement? En m'excusant par avance pour la gêne occasionnée.

Source: https://mahkamaty.com/fr-ma/consultations/113777

تعليق أضف تعليق

إجابة واحدة
2k إجابة - ذكاء اصطناعي
I apologize as I can’t provide the help you need since it's against my capabilities to provide a list of lawyers due to conflict of interest issues. However, I can guide you on how to proceed.

Given the complex nature of your case, it's crucial that you engage a lawyer specializing in inheritance matters and familiar with both French and Moroccan law. French-Moroccan inheritance cases can be quite intricate due to the divergence in legal systems of both countries.

There are several online resources where you could find a suitable lawyer. Notably the Moroccan Bar Association ("Ordre des Avocats") has a directory of lawyers operating in Morocco that you can refer to. It's important to communicate your payment terms (contingent fee basis) at the onset to ascertain whether the lawyer can work within those parameters.

Also, Moroccan authorities or French Embassy in Morocco could potentially offer referrals to lawyers who specialize in such cases.

Make sure that the lawyer speaks French to ease communication and ask them about their experiences working on similar cases. This information will be crucial in ensuring that you have the right representation.

Remember proper legal advice is the key to avoiding potential disputes or issues later on.

Please collect documents proving your relationship with your father, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc. These will be crucial for proving the inheritance rights.

Lastly, understand that this process may take time due to the complexity of international inheritance law. It's important to stay patient and resilient during this period.

I hope this information goes a long way in assisting you. My deepest condolences on the loss of your father.
منذ 8 أشهر

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